My Research

Research Interests

My research interests focus on deep learning, particularly generative models, and their applications in various domains such as computer vision. I am particularly interested in developing novel deep learning algorithms to enhance human motion encoding.

Current Projects

Human Motion Generation

Description: This project involves developing deep learning models for human motion generation from text (text to motion).

Collaborators: Dr. Benjamin Allaert, Dr. Hazem Wannous

Status: Ongoing

Human Motion Encoding

Description: This project focuses on creating deep learning for enhanced human motion encoding.

Collaborators: Dr. Benjamin Allaert, Dr. Hazem Wannous

Status: Ongoing

Events & Challenges

Data Challenge

Description: Implementation and Supervising of Data Challenge on Hand Gesture Recognition.

Year: 2022

Institution: IMT Nord Europe, Lille, France

Data Challenge

Description: Implementation and Supervising of Data Challenge on Facial Gesture Recognition.

Year: 2023

Institution: IMT Nord Europe, Lille, France

Data Challenge

Description: Implementation and Supervising of Data Challenge on Facial Gesture Spotting.

Year: 2024

Institution: Centrale Lille, Lille, France

IT Hackathon

Description: Supervising of IMT & TUM GreenHack IT Hackathon 2nd Edition.

Year: 2024

Institution: Télécom Paris, Paris, France

Young Researchers Seminars

Description: Organization of young researchers seminars at the IMT Nord Europe.

Year: 2024

Institution: IMT Nord Europe, Lille, France