Curriculum Vitae

Academic Background

PhD in Artificial Intelligence

Institution: IMT Nord Europe

Location: Lille, France

Year: 2022 - Present

MSc degree in Data Science

Institution:Centrale Lille - University of Lille

Location: Lille, France

Year: 2020 - 2022

Bachelor Degree in Mathematics

Institution:Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France

Location: Valenciennes, France

Year: 2019 - 2020

CPGE - MP (Math & Physics)

Institution:CPGE Ibn Ghazi

Location: Rabat, Morocco

Year: 2016 - 2018

Baccalaureate Degree in Science

Institution:Boumalne Dades High School

Location: Boumalne Dades, Morocco

Year: June 2016

Professional Experience

Machine Learning Intern

Company: IMT Nord Europe

Location: Lille, France

Date: October 2021 - July 2022

Description: Building Generative Models for Photorealistic and Facial Expression Preserving Frontal View Synthesis.

Data Science Intern

Company: CRIStAL (Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille)

Location: Lille, France

Date: April 2020 - July 2020

Description:Automatic Construction of Biological Interaction Models within Marine Ecosystems using LFIT (Learning From Interpretation Transition) framework. Data pre-processing: Data cleaning, Discretization of features of interest, Data augmentation. Rules improvement using data augmentation and Pareto front. Building an influence graph from the improved rules. Publication of an extended abstract & poster session at an international conference.

Machine Learning Intern

Company: CHU (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire)

Location: Lille, France

Date: October 2020 - March 2021

Description: Harmonization of brain MR signal using Machine Learning models.

Computer Science Intern

Company: Center for Innovation and Technological Testing

Location: Valenciennes, France

Date: November 2019 - Jan 2020

Description:Design and implementation of the computational part for an intravenous infusion simulation application using Matlab.

Awards & Honors